Where can I be invovled in Serving?
We have many oppertunities to be invovled in serving with the Foursquare family. Simply contact us at the National Office for more details

Church Planting
We are always looking out for Church Planters and Church Planting Teams to reach the Cities and our Nation. Our vision is to have a centre of discipleship in every county in England, Scotland and Wales. So why not partner with us ?

Would you like to take a season and come and serve with us individually or as a family in reaching Great Britain? Why not consider coming as a Missionary to Europe? We also have short term opportunities to serve in Poland, Kazakhstan and Kenya. Why wait, simply contact us and we will help you on your missions journey.

Have you completed College, taken a gap year or simply want to discover if a ministry related journey is what you are called to ? Then why not consider being an intern with one of our Churches or having a flavour of different types of ministries within the Foursquare Family? Email us at the National Office

Church Partneships
The Foursquare Family is interdenominational in Spirit. If you would like to partner with us we would love to hear from you. You may be an independent or a group of Churches that is looking to hold hands in expanding the Kingdom. Lets begin a relationship and explore oppertunities.